Where To Go To Get A Shopping Cart In 'Fortnite: Battle Royale'

People have been debating whether or not Fortnite needed vehicles since launch, but I don't think anyone thought it would happen in quite this way. This morning the developer dropped shopping carts into the game that let one player push while another one rides: it's not exactly a humvee, and that's sort of the point. If you're looking to play around with one of Fortnite's new vehicles, however, you'll need to find one.

Shopping carts don't spawn like normal loot, either in randomized floor locations or out of treasure chests and supply drops. Instead, they're just sort of around, and mostly in places you'd expect. Check parking lots at places like Retail Row, Greasy Grove and Tilted Towers: there appears to be some randomness with how they spawn in those locations so you might not find them in the same spot every time.
The best place to find one, however, is at the racetrack north of Moisty Mire. This unnamed location has been a part of the game since the beginning and for the most part it's just been sort of a curiosity: a safeish place to land with a few chests and weapons scattered around. Today, however, it's a madhouse. There are four shopping carts that spawn right near the starting line on the Western side, and they're there every time.

So if you want to play around with a shopping cart, drop at the squiggly lines on the eastern edge of the map: the shopping carts will be by the big house on the interior side of the track. If you're in Solo mode, expect to get shotgunned in short order. Or, conversely, expect to shotgun someone in short order.
The best way to get to play around with a shopping cart here or elsewhere is to load up teams of 20, which splits the players into 5 teams of 20. This means that you've got at least a 1 in 5 chance that your team gets control of the racetrack, or at least a greater chance that nobody tries to mess with you if you land there because they're all off somewhere else.
There's always the chance that you could wind up using the race track as it's intended by, you know, racing around it. It happens in Fortnite from time to time: two otherwise mortal enemies put aside their differences so that they can do something weird. Or you could just wait for the upcoming "Playroom" mode to race against your friends.


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